Friday, October 18, 2019

Read the article first, then answer the question Essay

Read the article first, then answer the question - Essay Example The exercise facilitates people to overcome their problems and look at the brighter side of the things, resulting in higher productivity at workplace. Human behavior is intrinsically linked to socio-psychological wellbeing of individuals which is reflected in their interaction with other within the defined social fabric or environment. Thus, understanding of human traits and their behavioral pattern greatly equips organizational leadership to ensure improved performance outcome at the workplace. Levinson (2002) believes that psycho-analytical tools help to understand the hidden dynamics of human relationships, especially within work environment that is mainly described by organizational culture, social defenses, motivation, leadership imperatives etc. Effective communication would help to promote understanding of conflicting issues and situations so that they can be resolved easily. Hence, organizational leadership must constantly promote greater communication amongst the workers and create environment for building constructive relationship based on mutual respect and understanding of cross cultural values. Sharma, S and Chatterjee, D. ‘Cos Are Keenly Listening to ‘Happiness Coach’’. Economic Times, 16 July, 2010. 27 Jan.

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